Jan 23, 2005 01:47
Hummm...so Friday..at school was AWESOME. I had first hour ALg. II and it was a complete blow off. We were supposed to be working problems on the board and me and Johnny were partners and we worked a few we didn't understand and now we get them. But we decided we are geniuses and didn't need to work anymore, so we played hang man which was rather interesting lol. "Head Bobbin!" Ooooo0000oooo Yeah! Johnny...Oh yeah and "The Green Ones are the Horny ones!" Yeah thats Coach Harmon study hall 8th hour the day before, but I figured I'd throw that in here too. Humm..then 2nd Hour was Cheatum and we ended up having a CODE RED LOACK DOWN! YEah! And i freaked because I forgot I left all my weed and crack in my locker, and I was especially worried about the crack I had been hiding in my...yeah, no I'm j/p. But it was fun, I spent most of the time talkin to the girls about random shit, and then I talked Cheatum into lettin us watch our commmercials we made, which wasn't as fun as I had thought they would be to watch. They sucked lol. They were only good the first time.
Anywho so then after the lock down it was 5th hour and my mom had called in an apt. for me since i was supposed to have a Govt. test 5th hour lol..which turned out to be pointless cuz Kliess's classes were in study hall. But I figured hey, what the hell, I'm leavin anyways. So i went uptown and got Subway, it was great. Suprised Johnny in her locker w/ a FOOTLONG and a cookie and a cheerful note. Since she hasn't been so "cheerful" lately, at least according to Redeker lol.
Then went to Klala's and she was a sleep. Made her all excited for a surprised and it was killin her lol. It was rather amusing to watch her suffer. Anywho and the surprise was Justin comin to visit her before she left, since she was leavin for Cali by 6. So he wore is new cloths, which he looked HOTT in! OWOW! Then I when I went to go home I discovered my keys were locked in my car. AWESOME! and even more awesome, the spare was IN the car. WOW. lol..so I got a ride home from Klala, then had Kenbob bring me back over w/ the spare key to unlock it. Kenbob to the rescue again! I swear idk what I'd do w/ out him sometimes! Hes always there when I need help the most. Anywho so yeah then I went to Jacky and Marys game and then came home and visited w/ the Grandparents which was fun. Then I went and hung w/ Justin.
Humm...then Today(SAT.) I did absolutely nothing constructive lol. It was nice. I flet so lazy though, like its no even funny. Justin came over. We watched The Day After Tomarrow. Good movie. Then we watch the Fresh Prince of Bellar Marathon lol. And then he went home and I was gonna come over and hang out, but I got REALLY tired and fell asleep on the couch. So yeah I did nothing. I did make cookies though! and I'm about to go eat them! wahoo. Lol. Oh and I got an email form my grandpa again and I wrote him one back. I started writting him about a month ago and he loves it. He's 80 and practically deaf and its hard to keep a convo w/ him in person. But hes a great guy and I love talking to him so we have been writting emails back and forth. He really loves getting email from me and loves reading them, its kinda nice. But yeah when they came to town he told me that he reads them about 2-3 times and then prints it out, lets grandma read it, then takes it next door to the neighbors(Aunt and Uncle, cousins) and forwards it to Alabama to my other Aunt lol..I jus thought that was so cute. Not to many ppl now a days that really enjoy getting an email like he does.
Oh yeah...update on Justin and me...We are giving it ONE last try. If it doesn't work this time, I guess we will both have to agree to go our separate ways and find a new love. But anywho, things have been going great.There is always room for imporvement. I think things have changed alot, or shall I say he has changed a lot. I just hope it lasts. Kinda sucks that my sisters are mad at me for gettin back togeather w/ him. Most of my friends, after seeing how he acts and the things he says and does now, say that they don't know how I've been so tough and haven't givin in. But yeah...idk I wish my sisters were most supportive. I told Jacky tonite and she was pissed. She was like "Kathe! You said you guys were over!" but yeah.... I kinda hate it too though, Thats one thing I hate the most, contradicting myself, saying things are over and tryin to move on, havin fun, and then things appearing to change ( I hope they have)and him doin things I never exspected and then eventually going back out, somethin I NEVER thought would happen a month ago. I know, its cool though,I understand, they just don't wanna see me get hurt again. Which neither do I and I BETTER NOT! lol. Stupid Hilary...and stupid boys. lol. ok. Enough enough. But yeah things are going great now and I hope it can stay that way. I hope it can be the start of a new great relationship. We had been broken up for about a month now. But idk, I'm jus much happier and I like the person I am when I'm w/ him.(Wasn't like a month before we broke up, but I hope we are never like that again) But I'm a better person when I'm w/ him. I think some ppl know what I'm talkin about. But anywho...GOODLUCK TO ME ON THIS ONE LOL...from myself. I jus hope it all works out as planned, or at least close to it.
Ok welp thats all I got. Night!...I'm off to go eat my cookies I made! and then bed?? who knows. Later Journal! thanks so much for listening!