Dec 21, 2004 12:58
Hummm....Well friday was fun. Kaylah was in town so she came over about 1 in the afternoon and we went up to Dallas and Company to get party wear for the Mardi Gras Theme party at Justin's garage. It was fun shopping for the masks. I love that store its crazy. I got a really cool mask and so did Kaylah and then I picked up a few extra ones for the boys and we also got some beads. the party was awesome. Like everyone was there. I walk in the door and half the ppl are already drunk so that was fun. I got in a fight w/ Daniel Kraus also lol cuz shes an evil whore slut. She came up to me and was all buddy buddy the whole night and idk why cuz im not friends w/ her to begin w/. Idk even know why shes at half the parties I show up to and shes there. Cuz she doesn't even talk to anyone at the party but who she brings. And they are only there to get drunk. And she was all runnin into shit and knockin over shit and ppl were babysitin her. But anywho yeah she comes up to me and is all like "Kathe, Justin said the cutest thing to me, he said all he wants for Christmas is you" And I thought that was cute, but she didnt mention how she found that out lol. Justin told me she had his backed up against the ping pong table and she was like "OMg Justin this is such a great can I repay you. I owe you", and she started unbuckling his belt and kissin him on the neck and he was like "No really thats not neccessary and she unbuckled his belt again and shes like "Come on what do u want?" And He said "What I want, you can't give me" and she said " Oh I bet I can, what do you want." And he said me. I thought that was really cute. BUt shes such a whore lol. And it really pissed me off. And yeah I was rather rude to her after I found this out and she was all yellin and threatening to kick my ass after that and I just kept laughing histerically at her cuz I thought it was hilarious cuz I could kick her ass and it wouldnt even be a competition. But yeah I was so pissed off cuz shes so f"n dumb lol. But yeah anywho she finally left and I had a good ol time at the party. Nate and T.j. got in a fight also but idk what that was about. Read Nate's profile for more info on that shit lol. Humm...oh and sat I left for my granny's in Indiana for christmas and that was a lot of fun. I love seeing my family down there. We went bowling, out to eat, played tons of fun computer games, played w/ my lil cousin Bert from Alabama, hes so funny, and played Tripoly, which is sorta like poker and other cards gaes in one. Its a lot of fun, and also watched movies, relaxed and read a lot of magazines. It was a good weekend. Humm..and I'm at Justin's now and he made me breakfast, dam hes a good cook. I thought that was nice. Humm,....and thats all I have to write about dfor now. Oh...and track pre-season stats Jan. 3rd! Ahh..I need to start runnin. like..sprinting...blah, oh and I'll prolly hang w/ Kaylah today and go weight lifting later.