Aug 13, 2005 19:50
hey everybody today was the Class of 2007 car wash it was so awesome! Well before i went to the bank...i ended up gettin at McDonalds at 8:40am and i had not seen anyone i think i really did look so i decided to go in and get some breakfast so i got one hash brown and juicie. then i went to my car b/c lauren had told me we where in back of Mickey D's but i didnt see no one so i parked again..then maria bot called me and told me that they were inside so i drove more back and parked next to Amber's car! Well yeah i collected money on the streets it was soo much fun! I got alot of money by doing that! I also helped on cars but i did better at gettin money with my look LMAO! Anyway the car wash was good afterward i went to Publix and did my grandma a flavor...when i got home i noticed that i looked like a lobster! Ewww..i took a shower b/c u was sweaty and then got ready for practice! Well pagent practice was fun we practiced our walks!!! I'm soo nervous b/c tomorrow is our big day were we get presented to the press! OMG what if i mess up! Ahh! : /?!? Well i hope i do good and i walk right! I hope not to tense up! Anyways i got to go <3 ya all