(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 22:24

Dear Everyone,
Thanks for hating me for getting back with my husband. I appreciate your support though the turmoil in my life. Though you rarely talked to me about real things, I'm sure that phone call from wes that he seemed to make to just about anyone he could get his hands on really satisfied your thirst for some special little piece of Trixy's personal life. Congratulations, you're involved now! If we ever go on Divorce Court, you'll be invited into the aduience to cheer on Judge Mathis or whoever the fuck when she says "you married him after HOW long? girrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllll. You got back together WHY? girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllll." And you all can throw tomatoes at me and triffle your little hearts out.
Sorry to dissapoint you all by dumping Wes, I had NO CLUE you were so VERY VERY close with him. I bet the best part of the conversation was "yea well Trixy smoked up with me like everyday and she was getting trashed and fucking some DJ so she could get into a club for free"
I'm glad I could be that special someone you all talk about. I'm sorry my life's more interesting than yours. One day you too could...you know...have a life....and meet people in real places....no I don't mean myspace...

THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO MATT AND HANNAH! They live miles away. They do not like hover over my personal life and chit chat with their friends about it...they actually do have lives. I have always known where they stand. They are honest and kick ass and though Nathaniel does not like them and they do not like Nathaniel, I still consider them friends.

To the rest of you, don't hate me because I'm beautiful. And stop talking shit on the internet! You all know me, you know my number and where I live. There is no reason for you to have some vengeful hate and vile towards me without telling ME about it first. Try to work things out with people instead of hating them for stupid reasons. Try to be nice and get along. You all say shit about how my friendship was worthless....what changed when I got back with Nathaniel? What did I do to you differently? I can guarentee you nothing. People who liked me not as someone to talk about but as someone to talk to still like me. I know this is some very big worded adult drama with stuff like "adultry" "marriage" "pregnant" "narcotics" in it and you can talk about it outloud and have people look at you and go "SHE DID WHAT?" but is that really that rewarding? Are you all really happy with your friends ever? Why don't you spend time trying to understand each other's motives instead of getting cool points for knowing the name of the DJ that I fucked and the exact number of cocks that went into my mouth this past year?
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