(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 22:18

So I've always thought of myself being very immature. I like to think I have a boy's mentality. It's thrue though.... Anyways, I'm surpised because I find myself becoming more open and more mature about things. I found myself feeling comfortable with talking about things with guys. Nomrally I'm not into that mushy mushy shit, but I feel like I'm ready for it now. So I'm very very...compatible with this guy I dunno. We mesh very well and I dunno he makes me real happy and makes me laugh alot. makes me feel stupid, but its cool. I can make him laugh too and that's important to me.

The thing is as much as I think we'd work together, to outsiders we are very... *different* Polar opposites and it'd just look weird as a couple. I thnk that if we were to get together, society judgements would tear us apart. That sucks.
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