Mar 25, 2006 08:14
I made my college list with Brown and I was very disappointed. But then I looked then up and they turned out to be the schools that I was looking for, so it's okay.
Last night was Ann's Birthday party. It was okay. I kind of felt like a loser, but what's new. Jonathan asked her to prom. So I'm happy for her. Really.
Now I have time to kill before leaving for S.A.T Prep for a like 6 hours test. Love it. I actually am improving but not by a lot. I still have time though, so I hope I get that 200 point guarentee thing.
I hate being sick, especially when the room is oh so quiet and then I start coughing like a painful cough where my lung might shoot out of my throat cough. Then everyone looks at you while you try not to cough and then you're eyes water. LOVE IT.
Today after SAT torture I have to bake brownies for the Battle of the Bands at The Boy and Girl's Club of Nothern Westchester. It starts at 7! COME!!! I have to be there at 5 to play hostess along with Lauren S and Annie B to the bands. You know what that means! IMMA GET LAID TONIGHT! Kidding.
Tomorow I'll hopefully be able to go see the play. I heard it was really good. I can imagine it is. Also I need to take film for Photo. Of anything!! I was thinking of trying some night stuff. Just basically laying on the ground with the camera's shutter open for like 10 minutes and take pictures of the sky. Too bad you can't even see stars now. I guess I'll drive over to my faja's maison. I wanna try portraits as well. Take pictures and then hand color them. That'll be fun. Anywho,I have to go to S.A.T Prep!!