The hysteria around here is getting ridiculous and all you have to do is look at an actual weather map to see that DC is going to get some wind and rain, but NOT a hurricane. And hey, Pepco sucks in regular old rain storms, so nothing new there. Mostly, I'm going to be very annoyed if the power gets knocked out before the new Dr Who episode tonight.
Safe thoughts for those people who are ACTUALLY in the path of the storm.
Oh hi, fandom! It's been a while! I've missed you. I love my new job, but it's seriously cutting into my LJ time. *sigh*
New Torchwood is downloading right now. Is anyone else watching it? Are you enjoying it like I am? Though, last weeks ep was hysterical in that
it was a really REALLY gay episode of Highlander. The flashbacks! The questionable accents! The horrible things people do when they find out you can't die! This is not actually a criticism, as Highlander was my first real fandom. It makes me really want to imagine Jack and Methos meeting.
But also, there was this sad and sweet thing going on where Jack was TRYING to be The Doctor. He can have a companion too! Awww, it made me clutch my heart a little. And then suddenly there was Kira Nerys! Holy crap. Can't wait to watch the new one. Although, I'm going to be a little annoyed if the entire Miracle Day thing is ALL ABOUT JACK. Because really?
What else? Um, I've still been reading lots of Arthur/Eames. I heart them a lot.
And also, there are too many reasons lately to list right now, but you guys, I love Spencer Smith a really large amount. And I have tickets to see him and that other ridiculous dude I adore on Halloween. Awesome!
Okay, I need to take out some garbage and TW is done downloading.