You guys, I love fandom so much. For so many reasons, but primarily because it introduced me to some of the most awesome people in the universe. This past week was the best vacation I've ever had where I got to sleep in my own bed. A few highlights:
*I had ALL the
arallara time. If you don't know Aral, then I'm very sad for you and the lack of awesomeness in your life. I got her for a whole week and we talked about ALL THE THINGS, and watched lots of good tv/movies, and I made her cook for me, and it was AWESOME. Why is Washington state so far away, dammit?!
*I also had a
giddygeek for several days, which was also awesome. It was really cool to spend time with her outside of a con or large group setting. And
bayleaf was here off and on all week, and while she lives much closer I don't see near enough of her these days. And
reginagiraffe was here for two days, which was also very cool. There were other plans afoot to see other locals, but due to various schedules, etc, they never quite materialized.
*I watched all 5 or 6 hours of BBC's Sherlock one morning, so now I'm more caught up with the fannish zeitgeist.
*Aral and I plotted out a whole Arthur/Eames story with lots of backstory, and then watched the Arthur/Eames version of Inception, via the fast-forward button. Inception: Now with Less Manpain!
*I made Aral and Giddy watch How to Train Your Dragon because it is fantastic and they had not seen it yet. Happily, they had the correct opinion and also loved it.
*We watched a lot of Community and talked a lot about the True and Abiding Love of Troy and Abed.
*Friday night Aral made Bayleaf and I some AMAZING spanakopita and greek potatoes and we drank crappy pink wine out of classy plastic cups, just because it was called Menage a Trois and was from the Folie a Deux Winery. Like you do.
Yesterday, Aral and Bayleaf left me and went back to their respective homes and my apartment was SO QUIET. I wandered around and sighed a lot in a dramatic fashion. Today I'm doing laundry and wishing I had a Tardis so I could do it all over again.