Why is it that the longer you don't post, the harder it is to make yourself post? I have lots of things to talk about- awesome concerts I have seen, tv shows I have loved and not loved, mindless summer movies I have enjoyed, etc. But! I shall start with two things:
So, I'm pretty much ambivalent about that result. The thing is, I LIKE Floyd a lot and I do think his meals seemed more successful overall in the finale. But, GOD DAMMIT TOP CHEF, SERIOUSLY??? This season came down to three women and one man in the final four, and they still managed to give the title to a man. And while Floyd was consistent throughout the season, Mary Sue and Tracy both dominated. It was interesting to see Mary Sue and Tracy's voiceover comments at the end there, where they seemed disappointed but also kind of resigned. Like wow, being a woman in the restaurant business this does not surprise them at all.
So you know, yay Floyd, I like when nice guys win. But fuck you, Top Chef, this is getting really old.
Also, I'm craving lemon souffle like you can't believe.
Secondly, I am interviewing for the promotion I really want this afternoon, so good vibes, etc. would be much appreciated.