complete with rainbow sprinkles

Nov 30, 2007 14:24

I bring you my bullets:

*Way to go Livejournal, you've managed to do something that annoys even me. For those who need it, instructions for changing your content filtering settings here. I am not going to play their game at this point, so I marked mine "no adult content" and no filtering or collapsing or whatever. Just in time to post some porn! But seriously LJ, SERIOUSLY?!

*Yes, that's right, I said post some porn. I seem to have managed to write a whole story! It was only supposed to be comment fic and then it was suddenly over 2000 words, so now it's off to beta.

*My LJ name has been "neo-marxist homosexual propagandist" for a very long time, since I came across the phrase in a right-wing review of Brokeback Mountain, but such is the power of Gerard Way that I had to change it. Because hello! CUPCAKES! Also, "practically the biggest cupcakes on this tour" really not that different in meaning from "neo-marxist homosexual propagandist". Heh.

*New Atlantis tonight! With {spoiler} in it! Yay!
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