Jul 25, 2005 12:57

OMG! I had so much fun at band camp. I mean they had like 4 marching band camps going on at the same time, like it was all part of a leadership camp thingy where we learned how to be leaders in our marching bands. The 4 parts were; Drum Majors, Section Leaders, Color Guard, and Percussion. I was part of the Color Guard one. It was SO MUCH fun. We got to stay in dorms, and at the end of the week we had a big performance for parents and family members and there were a couple of just random people. It was great. They worked our butts off though. I mean we basically learned a  3-4 minute drill in 8 hrs, and there were over 200 kids there. Maybe a little less. There were like 47 people in the Color Guard part, and in that 47 only one of them was a guy. And than 2 of the Color Guard people left. Marquesa and Ashley. Ashley was my roommate and she is my friend she supposedly "sprained" her ankle but than again she was a hydrochondriac. She only worked for one day and then coudln't leave util Wednesday. The camp started Sunday, we worked on Monday, she "sprained" her ankle on Tuesday and left at 6:00 on Wednesday. It was such a stupid reason to leave. I mean I was pissed. Now, Marquesa had a good reason. I mean I met Marquesa and she lives in Boise, Idaho and she had to leave because she was seriously sick. Like she couldn't even get out of bed. It was sad, she was really kewl and I didn't even get to get her e-mail. I can get it from another person though so I guess that's kewl. But yeah. It was the kewlest. I LUB MARCHING BAND! Or, I LUB COLOR GUARD!!!!!!! Everyone should join no matter what. You will have so much fun. I mean seriously. Oh, and BAND GEEKS ARE HOTT! I mean seriously there was this one guy who was part of the percussion and he was totally hott, and he kept on looking at me because we started out looking in his direction so he kept on turning his head towards me and was like, "are you supposed to be looking this way" and I was like, "yes" and he said, "oh" and after a while he kept on just turning his head towards me and after a while he was like, "stop looking at me" smiling and jokingly and I was like, "SHH! just look forward" It was so funny. And he was was great! I don't think I'm gonna go next year though, it costs 400 dollars and I still owe 200 of it for this year. Jebus. I'm gonna have to work my butt off to pay the rest of the money. Anyways. I better go. I need to go babysit my lil bro. Well, ttyal. BUH BYE!
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