Symptoms of Night Terrors
-Child abruptly awakens with a piercing scream.
-Child appears terrified or in pain.
-Child cries, moans, yells, or mumbles incoherently.
-Child sits up, jumps out of bed, or runs around.
-Child’s eyes are open but unseeing; appears dazed; pupils dilate; may hallucinate
-Child’s heartbeat is racing (double the normal rate).
-Child perspires profusely.
-Child breathes rapidly and shallowly; may gasp for breath.
-Child remains agitated for several minutes to half hour.
-Child rebuffs attempts to console; attack runs its course.
-Child has been asleep only one-and-a-half hours (two-thirds of all episodes occur early in the night)
-Child may have night terrors at any age but is often younger-three to five years old.
-Child has little or no recall of dream imagery; any imagery consists of a single violent threat.
-Child has no recollection of attack in the morning.
First Aid For Night Terrors
-Be available and protective.
-Do not attempt to hold forcibly or restrain child unless essential for security; restraint may intensify outburst.
-Do not become angry or try to rouse the child by shaking, slapping, yelling, etc.
-Touch child lightly; if possible, put arm around child or stroke face and arms soothingly.
-Walk with child if he or she moves about restlessly.
-Speak softly, calmly, and reassuringly, even if child does not appear to hear. Say such things as “It’s all right. Everything’s all right. It’s all over. I’m here. You’re okay now,” etc.
-A warm washcloth gently wiped over the face may help the child recover.
-Let the child return to sleep as soon as possible.
-Do not tell them they are only dreaming or yell at them, it is more disturbing than helpful
In adults, the equivalent experience to night terrors is called “incubus,” from a Latin word meaning, “to lie upon.” This term is based on the ancient notion that a demon or evil spirit possesses the victim during the night.
They are getting worse...before they were starting to get better...I wasnt being touched, they were just appearing and then coming closer to me...bfore that there was only one. Now there are 3-5 and they seem to be led by the one that gets the closest to me. It is the worst. This one hasnt actually touched me in a long time...he has just stood there, and looked and watched, his hands and body make weird movements, but he just stands. Why? The others move, they come closer, but not nearly as close as the leader. I cant describe them, but I have been getting them in my sleep since I was little, they dont occur all the time, but when they do I know it, but its too late by that time. The room gets blurry and I cant see straight, and I get stuck in the bed, wrists up, mouth open, and head looking straight up, most the time..why do they pick me, Im 20 years old. They should of left me alone when I was 5. But that would be the nice thing to do I guess...One day I was playing Magick with my dad, I was about 13 or 14...He flipped a card over and my eyes filled with terror...I saw the thing, the closest to what they look like, in real life, on a card, in a stupid game...I still have the card but its locked away where I cant accidently come across it. Here is what they look like. Keep in mind I had been seeing them in sleep for years BEFORE i saw the card.