Last night was a bit of an odd one for me. You know how you try and try to be okay with something and then fail? Well, I'm trying to be okay with something, but failing- and since this is Livejournal, I'll tell you about them!
Can you believe I've lost my appetite over this crap? Geez )
Do not angst about age! You are still young enough to look young and gorgeous so no problem there. And you have a shiny personality that will continue to by shiny after you get grey and wrinkly. And I remember meeting a very cute bouncy couple in their late 50s who had just met the year before when they'd both given up on meeting Mr/Miss Right.
Only advice I can give is really work at being truly happy being single. It was only when I really started enjoying the concept of being single that I suddenly acquired a long term partner, and I'm not the only person I know who that's happened to. And it's kind of a win either way thing. Either you learn to be single and happy, or you learn to be single and happy and then get knocked sideways by a relationship.
On the other hand relationship advice almost invariably sucks, so probably ignore that last and just remember that you are great. And the fact that you are single in no way reflects on that.
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