Holy goodness I just did my first radio announcing thing! I was so nervous, and I thought no one could listen because of classes, but it turns out that Andy, Laura, and Jessica's classes were all cancelled for that period so they did! And Andy tried to call me three times but I didn't have my phone with me. Sad face. But it was all good. Haha Conor was coming to class right when I was ending so he heard my last one, and Cara from upstairs IM'd me saying she listened too. Woot!
Today's been good. My Spanish class was cancelled this morning so I skipped chapel (for the first time this semester too! Go me!) and slept until 11. It was beautiful.
New musical finds: Damien Rice and Eisley. But actually I already liked Damien Rice and had listened to his CD before, I just didn't know it was him. Amy Orr played him constantly and especially liked the song "Amie" Probably because that's her name. And she always called me her Eskimo Friend. So that's cool. Anyway, so Eisley... everyone here has been talking about them, and then Sara's friend Marc mentioned them and I decided I needed to see how cool they really were. And they are amazing. THE END.
Go here please.
http://www.funpic.hu/swf/numanuma.html Thanks.
Anyway. You know that one church song that goes, "Though the sorrow may last for the night, his joy comes with the morning" ? Yeah. It's so true. The end.
P.S. I know that's in the Bible too.