Jun 29, 2009 01:05

Recently (say, within the past six weeks or so, even though I think it was more recent than that) one of you lovelies wrote a post that said something along the lines of "if you don't actually like any female characters, you and I might not have anything in common." I think that there may have been some Gender!Failing going on elsewhere on LJ at the time (as always). I am trying to find that post because there was something posted in the comments or possibly in the text of the post itself regarding the depiction of female characters in the BBC series Merlin, which show the TrixSis has recently started watching. I won't go into any more detail than that, as I haven't seen the show, have no idea how far along the US airing is, and the only things I remember are most definitely spoilers for late in the series.

Anyway, if you are the writer of such a post, or perhaps if you remember reading either post (the one about being-fans-of-women-characters, or the one about the treatment of women in Merlin) I would really appreciate it if you could send me a link to it. I've searched through several journals where I remembered reading posts on either Merlin or gender, but I've come up short. Thanks!

EDIT: stealth_rose and rez_lo came through with the info I was looking for! Thanks Ladies!
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