I'm a very, very bad authoress. The WSoD chapter has a grand total of 240 words so far. I've been distracted by the internet, particularly the NaNoWriMo forums, which are bursting with interesting stuff. Speaking of which, I literally discovered
this site an hour ago. The generators are amazing and I'll definitely find it useful in future endeavours. :D
My sister and niece have also been staying with us for nearly two weeks now. I've been playing with the baby (who will be one on the tenth OHMYGOSH), so that's another reason I haven't been writing.
The annoying thing is I know what will happen in this chapter. I'm just not motivated to write it at the moment. And I promised you two more chapters before I went off to Camp NaNoWriMo for July. I'll try and get my lazy butt moving soon, I promise. Just bear with me.