Sep 23, 2013 01:14
It's my birthday on Friday! My LJ friends would have gotten an alert in their inboxes in a couple of days, but I thought I'd mention it here. I shall be turning twenty-three! I feel sooooooo old. xD
I've also decided to set myself a goal: finish and post the next chapter of WSoD by my birthday. I'm over halfway there and I want this out of the way so bad. I'm so sorry I've kept you all waiting for four months again. I feel like such a terrible authoress.
On a slightly less pleasant note, Pottermore has been frustrating me to no end over the last few days. There's only so much I can do on there because I'm blind, and despite my earlier optimism, not everything is accessable to me--far from it. I hate being blind when it comes to playing games. Why can't all the awesome games be adapted so the blind and visually impaired can play them? That's one of my biggest beefs with the industry. All the cool video games are barred from us because they don't think of the minorities who are no less interested and would actually increase their profits if they were included in the target audience. What I wouldn't give to be able to play the Pokemon games. It surely can't be that hard to configure such a game to make it accessable to the blind.
...Aaaaaaaand I've gone off on a tangent again. Sorry guys. Rant over now.
fanfic: wsod,
when technology rebells,
secret life of trix