Nov 14, 2010 11:45
Imagine no religion...
Imagine a world where people shake off the trappings of religion, free themselves from the tyranny of gospels and worship their God or Goddess freely, in whatever way they choose. Imagine a world where people love God (or choose not to believe) and their fellow man because it's the right thing to do, not because of fear of divine retribution.
Think of the countless lives that might have been saved had it not been for religion. People have been persecuted for their beliefs, and they have killed for them. Think what life would be like if people didn't feel it was their responsibility to worry about how other people believed, lived their lives, worshiped.
Dear Goddess, I have become an anarchist.
([an-er-kist] -noun
1. a person who advocates or believes in anarchy or anarchism.
2. a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed.
3. a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against any established rule, law, or custom.)