So way back when LNSB was finished, you'll recall me putting my hand up for a charity fic prompt. Well, no fault of the prompters, but it seems to have been the premise that ATE MY BRAIN. I've started and partially completed so many versions of that charity fic that the only person who can possibly conceive of how many wasted hours I've spent is my poor beta
the_arc5 who's coped with my exasperated hand-waving and epic back-spacing.
Good news is, since watching Into Darkness several ideas have slotted neatly into place and I'm busy re-working large sections of stuff I'd written two years ago that I couldn't seem to knit together in any coherent way until this movie. I think it will fulfill the prompt terms, but it's opened up a doorway back into the legitimate STXI universe for this little AU girl. I'd spent so long in the LNSB AU-verse that it was hard to find my way back to canon-AU, if you get what I mean. I'm firmly there now, which is feeling fantastic.
Good news is that it looks like I'll finally cough up my end of the bargain made when several readers generously donated money to the flood relief efforts back in 2011. Bless them. I beg for their forgiveness.
It is well and truly on the road to being a manuscript I can bounce off a beta.