Okay, so
mswyrr amongst others, has asked me to whittle down the impressive list of 74 EDAs to something more manageable. I've read them all, own them all, and largely loved them all - but they're not inexpensive or easy to find these days
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Tha Taint: Okay, the plot is awful, even by Doctor Who standards. But it introduces Fitz, and he's all lovely and innocent and fluffy and then the Doctor messes him up. Or maybe it's the other way round... I love this book because it shows just how much Fitz's character changes as he gets to know the Doctor more.
Dominion: I love this! There are so many nice little character moments and actions (you can probably guess which one in particular I'm thinking about). It has a decent plot, as well, and the angst is nicely balanced out.
Autumn Mist: I quite like this one, too, because there's a good twist in it.
The Domino Effect: *bounces up and down* How can you not adore this one? All you want to do is smoosh Fitz and love him better. The plot is a bit terrible, and, I admit, almot laughingly bad in places, but Fitz! And the TARDIS!
It's been so long since I've read Dominion I can't remember which moment in particular you're referencing ... If you're worried about spoiling others, comment on some other random post of mine, lol.
Well, it's true what you say about Domino Effect - poor old Fitz! It was a pretty brutal read, now that you mention it. However, the story as a whole just seemed to have so many small annoying traits that I couldn't recommend it as a whole. Anji is just thick as two planks in this story and the ending? I mean ... what??
As for Autumn Mist I picked the twist really early on and it kind of spoiled it for me ;)
Of all the ones you've prodded me about, I think Domnion is probably the one I'd be most likely to revise my opinion of.
I'm also surprised you didn't rec History 101 and Timeless, so I'm curious about why you didn't like them. I think they're both great for characterizations particularly of Anji and Fitz.
History 101 was a tricky one. I adored Anji and Fitz in this one, but the pacing just dragged like a drunk, limping cat. Also, I thought the Doctor didn't really have a lot to say that wasn't being said by other characters ... didn't you find that?
Timeless was interesting to begin with but totally lost me when certain characters make an easy get away after incidental characters apparently lose all sense of villany!!! Lol.
There are lots of references made later on, yes, but it's still a good set-up. It shows how Fitz first interacts with both the Doctor and Sam--it's a rocky start, not an easy one (especially with Sam!) and I think reading that helps understand how everyone reacts in Revolution Man and later.
The Doctor wasn't a particularly central character to History 101, no, and the last time I read it, I read it over a long period of time so didn't really notice the pacing. And, heh, I don't even *remember* the incidental characters losing all sense of villainy; I just remember some great bits with both Anji and Fitz. (I might be even more character-focused than you are...I'm terrible about remembering plots all the time.)
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