Title: all dolled up (with nowhere to go)
Pairing: Ryeowook x Yesung
Rating: R
Word Count: 1400+
Notes:Written ages ago on a whim and posted just because I can. Also, because
Ryeowook is pretty and I am self-indulgent.
Summary: (
The first time Ryeowook cross-dresses, he realizes what Jongwoon wants. )
But the way you wrote it, omg it's beautiful and subtle but heartbreaking all at once. It’s painful, sofuckingpainful, and shit, he should’ve read the manual for this - there must be one, right? - should’ve asked Kyuhyun, should’ve done something to prepare him for the hole that’s gaping in his heart - omg I actually think I teared up a bit, even if it isn't as hard or as harsh as a lot of angst fics I've read. I'm not even sure why, beyond the fact that I'm a complete sap for YeWook, but... like I said, it's something in the way you write, the way you craft your sentences. It all starts out so subtle and builds up slow, and ( ... )
and eep! no tearing up, please! that wasn't the point D: and just, i don't even know how to respond to this. your bias/all-consuming love for them is a special one and i love it so ;)
ahd hahah i just need to write more in general, since i haven't written fic in a while (this was written last spring hahaha). i dug it up today and thought "Why the hell not?" I'm glad it was worth pulling it from my dusty folders :)
My bias for them is insane. Like I can normally read most angst fics without problem, but if it's YeWook, I start bawling. /sap
You really need to write more, you're an amazingly good writer and I love the way you write ♥ Also YeWook is a very canon pairing, but it's dipping in popularity recently I think. If you look at miracle, it really doesn't get written all that much, mostly only as a background pairing. And it's very very rare to actually get a GOOD fic for them ;___; So thank you for this :DDDD
But seriously, you're so sweet ::swims thankfully and happily in your compliments::
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