Title: a world of (im)perfect loves
Pairings: Ryo x Shige; Shige x Koyama
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10600+
Note: For
cloudy_monday, who asked for Ryo x Shige ages ago for the
help_haiti fundraiser.
Summary: Semi sci-fi AU. Shige spends the holiday in Osaka. It is there he meets his heartmate.
On days when he's less cynical, Shige wonders what meeting his heartmate would be like. )
You make me want to restart my NishiKato fangirling.
actually, for sec, i wondered if people even read ryoshige anymore lol. i haven't shipped them in so long o_O
I don't know if it counts as 'popular' yet, but I'm working on it ;D It's definitely not rare anymore though :D
and lol really? this amuses me greatly for some reason lol.
Though I'm sure I listed it as my favourite paring in at least one of the fic exchanges so maybe more ShigeMass will turn up soon.
ooooh well that's good then! here's to hoping :DDD
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