Drabble Post #10
This drabble post all started about an hour ago because Di wanted TOKIO fic. Blame her for my random fail.
Leader-centric (TOKIO; PG) for
Leader sighs. TOKIO glances at Leader’s sad little frown before going back to their affairs. They are used to Leader’s melancholy ways; such is the way of his life. No one moves.
He tries again. Sighs loudly, strums a woeful tune on his guitar. “No one knows my name,” he says sadly.
Mabo laughs, and chucks a magazine at Leader’s head. It hits him squarely in his face. “What are you talking about?” Mabo asks, as Leader spits out glossy paper. “You’re leader! The leader we all know and love.”
“To laugh at,” Taichi supplements helpfully. He takes the magazine from Leader and swats Leader’s butt before opening it to read.
Nagase steals Leader’s guitar and plucks at the strings. “We love you~” Nagase croons.
Leader’s frown deepens, “No, my real name.”
Yamaguchi frowns, “Didn’t you legally change your name to Leader a few years back?”
“NO,” Leader says. “I still have a name. Really.”
“Huh,” Yamaguchi shrugs. “I had no idea.”
Inwardly, Leader cries.
Ryo x Shige (G)
“I’m in love with you,” Shige says, under the flickering streetlight of their solitary avenue. Moths buzz and flit around the bulb; the sounds grate harshly in Ryo’s ear but all he really hears is Shige’s steady breathing and all he sees is Shige’s tired eyes.
“Why would you say that?” Ryo asks softly.
Shige glances downward and kicks a random pebble. He bites his lip. “Because you need to hear this,” he says simply. “If I don’t say it, you’re going to pretend this never happened.”
Ryo leans back against the streetlight, metal creaks and Ryo stands still. “What if I want to pretend?” Ryo asks.
Shige shrugs. “Too bad,” Shige says, “I won’t let you.”
Nino x Sho (PG) for
When Sho walks into the room, he frowns, scanning the room a couple of times. He was pretty sure Nino had asked him to go out to dinner with him today, so it’s a little disconcerting walking into an empty room with the lights turned off.
“Nino?” Sho asks, as he flips on the switch. He hears a muffled groan from the corner of the room and pads quietly towards Nino’s voice.
Nino lays on top of Sho’s duffel bag, half buried under Sho’s leather jacket and raising a tired hand to block out light. “Sho?” Nino asks softly.
Sho crouches down and smoothes down a tendril of Nino’s hair, sweeps fallen bangs away from Nino’s fluttery eyes. “You okay?”
Nino nods and slowly sits up. He winces and rubs his back, “Ah, your bag is not comfortable.”
“Well, it’s not meant for sleeping on,” Sho laughs. He helps Nino up and fingers linger a little longer than necessary. “You ready to go?”
Nino wraps Sho’s jacket tight around his lithe frame and he smiles, “Let’s go.”
Nakamaru-centric (PG) for
htenywg Nakamaru breathes through his nose. Grunts. Pulls, tugs, bites his lower lip.
He tries again. Fingers curl around his right boot and his eyes squeeze shut. He grits his teeth and pulls with all his might, but the boot refuses to budge.
Koki and Jin walk by and Nakamaru sits up, crossing his legs and looking casual. Or, as casual as Nakamaru will ever look. Which isn’t very casual and more wide-eyed and spluttery. Koki rolls his eyes, “Filming’s already done. Are you planning on staying here forever?”
They walk past in Nakamaru lets out a long sigh. He glances back at the left boot sitting on the floor, and his right boot sitting stubbornly on his foot, and then he groans.
(It takes him another thirty minutes before he hops over to Ueda and endures another ten minutes of laughter before Ueda takes it off with a pop and Nakamaru cries).
Yamapi-centric (G)
“I’ve always wondered what would happen if I went bald,” Yamapi says calmly.
The rest of NEWS stares at him, horror mixed in with confusion. But mostly they look at him with horror.
Yamapi swallows and tries to calm the nervous thumping of his heart. “I wondered whether people will still like me without my looks,” he says. He doesn’t think he’s ever wanted acceptance from NEWS like he does in this moment, wants reassurance more than anything else.
Koyama looks away and his voice is shaky, “Of course we’ll still be your friends.”
Massu nods slowly and Tegoshi still hasn’t moved. Shige awkwardly cleans the water dribbling out of the corner of his mouth and Ryo stands up.
“You’re an asshole,” Ryo says. “What were you thinking?”
Yamapi shrugs and rubs smooth skin on the top of his head. “At least now people won’t tell me to stop dyeing my hair?” he tries.
Ryo isn’t amused and then his face falls, before he sits back on the couch and breathes deeply.
“I wondered,” Yamapi repeats, though now he already knows.
Aiba x Ohno (G) for
“Have you ever seen ‘Happy Feet’?” Aiba asks. He sits down next to Ohno and tucks his feet underneath him, rocks slowly back and forth and hums odd tunes under his breath.
Ohno shakes his head. “Since when have I seen anything? Is that the movie about CGI penguins?” Ohno asks.
“True,” Aiba laughs, “And no, it’s about dancing penguins. Even better.” He lays his head on the table and sighs, “Wouldn’t it be fun to be a penguin?”
“No,” Ohno says. “You’d be freezing all the time and freaking about sea lions and killer whales. How is that fun?”
Aiba looks wounded, “But Oh-chan, males get to sit on their eggs for months while the females find food and do all the work. Wouldn’t that be the life? And when you’re not sleeping on the egg, you can go fishing all you want!”
“Fishing is good,” Ohno muses. He reconsiders, “Then I guess it would matter who else is a penguin with me.”
Aiba beams, “I’d be a penguin with you,” he says happily, as if they actually could just pick up and leave their hectic lives to be blubbery and fluffy, to be penguins together forever. “But then again,” Aiba says a little more seriously, “I’d be anything as long as I were with you.”
And Ohno believes him.
AN: Right. I’m going to stop writing now.