Feb 12, 2006 04:47
So lately ive been getting that 'i dont know who i am anymore' feeling, and then i realised it didnt have as much to do with me as i think. i let everyone around me affect me so much its crazy, i let other people and their actions take control of my life and i never listen to my heart or my head or my instincts. i just let it all wash over me, taking other peoples opinions without consideration of my own, and stopping myself from going for what i truly want. so i have been taking steps and i am getting the control back. i miss everyone from home so much lately and ive been missing the california sun and my driving but ill be back with you soon enough.
im dropping drama and taking an english-psych major, just to see where it leads me.
ive never been as impulsive as i have in the past few weeks and i didnt know it would make me feel this good. i get what i want (to most extents) and so far i havent hurt anyone or myself getting it, getting a job is going to make it harder, but i think that will make it more fun in the long run.
i feel like ive lost some of the most important people in my life, people i really didnt think i would have to, and people i didnt want to. hopefully they arent fully lost to me yet though.
i have to go eat some oreos now.
laters xxx