Apr 06, 2011 19:55

On April 4th Jason and I's really good friend (in fact his best friend) Chris and his wife Min Jung had a baby girl. Yasmine Boeun Henke. She was born via c-section a few weeks early because of the tumor/growth that was discovered during a ultrasound. We were one of the few people Chris told about about the medical issue and after the one message detailing it he never brought it up again (even when asked). On his messages/posts on Favebook (our only contact 98% of the time) he'd sometimes make very vague issues to it, but simply was keep mum aboout it. He has now openned up over the entire issue the day after she was born and his latest status update was this: "Yasmine's latest news: an adominal tumor twice the expected size.... and a tethered spine(!!!)... trying with every atom of my heart to find stength and hope." Both Jason and I were under the impression the tumor was on her neck. Far as the tethered spine he linked an article from wiki on it, I read it, however I don't fully understand. Mainly because it focused on adults who have/get it and not newborns.

I feel so bad for him. He's thousands of miles away from his family and friends. They are in South Korea. If you couldn't guess by his wife's name she is Korean. They meet last year (two?) when he was over there teaching english to kids. Traveled back to US and got married July of 2010 and Yasmine was conceived on the wedding night (!!) She was about two months along when they returned to South Korea. The plan being to stay there until Sep (when his contract ends) and move back to the US permitally. Now I wonder with Yasmine's condition if that'll change. Her family doesn't speak English (or very badly/broken) and Chris finds trying to commucate with them very difficult. Despite the fact he teaches English he doesn't really speak Korean LOL. However a family friend teaches English to Spanish/Mexican kids and has for many years and doesn't speak esponal (sp?). So I suppose it's normal? Anyways I know even before all this he was home sick and now I can't imagine the pain on some many levels he has to going through.

I can't help but wonder if I'm a horrible person because I'm worried more about him than a newborn baby with a multitude of issues? Not saying I don't care because I do I really do, it's just a different type of worry I suppose.

real life, yasmine, chris

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