did she sold it?

Mar 05, 2006 22:32

Haha!  Well it looks like fourhouseunion is merging with hogwarts_elite and alot (I think 17 of the 20 comments) people are bitching about the move/idea.  It is DUMB in the annoucment over it states if you hae been squibbed at elite I am sorry but there is nothing I can do so have a nice life!  That is the main complilent, people who were squibbed there, found this one has a nice altertative are now screwed.  I never got to enjoy Union, they went on hiatus the day after I was sorted, and now all this.  I was never squibbed from Elite, but I quit/was expelled after losing the internet for several months.  I am sure I could find a way in, talking to certain people, etc.  But I rather not.  I much prefer _belong

I advertised! 

Wow this a shame. I never got the chance to really enjoy this community (went on break right after I joined) and because of work I couldn't join the hogsmeade weekend fun. I used to be a memeber of elite, but that was several months ago, and I am not interested in joining or trying to join again. I do wish I could have more time to explore over here, but I understand that just isn't possible.

If anyone whom are unable to stay here after the merge because of being squibbed at Elite or any other reason may I suggust _belong It is a very good sorting community that I am also a member of. It had been closed for about a month because the owner quit and the new moniters (and alot of the members) worked really hard to fix it up. It's been reopen to the public since the first and off to a great start. We would love more people. Just a thought for those of you looking for a new home.

Again I am sorry that I couldn't enjoy this community more, I really did like the concept of merged houses.

Tabetha / Slytherpuff

I know the way I explained it isn't exactly the true story of what happened, but I really didn't think a complete history was really called for.  :-)

Jason wants me to come over to the couch and finish watching Hitchhikers aguide to the Galaxy.  Our second time watching in it the last few days.

sorting, movie, belong

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