For being so intelligent shouldn't April have some clue that her father won't want her blabbling to every stranger about him being her father? It's not like he'd be denying her or ashamed but living in a small town for all his life and never having a kid and BAM a twelve year old... you break that more calmly than just blurtting it out.
I find it dishearting all the comments I have been seeing over fans being pissed over the direction of the show. I agree I asm not tickled pink but I have hope that things will work out... perhaps not in ways fans hope for but satisfy just the same. ASP doesn't easily disapoint. This entire plot twist just furthers my new anti-Luke/Lorelai. Well as I have said a million times i love them. support them, was THRILLED when they hooked up. But a part of me things they just don't fit together I hontestly don't see true love for them. If they broke up never to get together again I won't care. If they were stay together and marry I would accept it just the same. My head is a confussing place.
I want this shirt I bought a shirt from Steve and Barry's a few days ago... I got it from the kids section.
My newest work shirt is a mens dress shirt.
Just a little funny if you think about it. Okay it really I suppose slightly humorous works better.
Audio Adrenaline has a new cd I did not know that. I was somewhat taken back when I saw it at Borders. This is what happens when you have no decent Christian Rock stations to listen to. Heck i barely listen to the radio period just off of the internet and I am still on the Brit Pop kick.
Peter = Gryffindor
Susan = Ravenclaw
Edmond = Slytherin
Lucy = Hufflepuff
I think that Edmond was my favorite character he seemed the most real and honest even though he was the "bad" one to some degree. My least favorite was Peter, though he loves this sisters and brother greatly he just has a chip on his shoulder that made me want to push him down.
Yet as I said yesternight reading the book(s) could easily chamge my above thoughts.