Another Day in the Life...

Jul 17, 2006 10:08

The past few days have been amazing. I kid you not when I say that since meeting Adis, we have spent every day up until now together. For a straight week. It’s a wonderful feeling, knowing that someone out there cares about me so much and enjoys my company. He really enjoys the time we spend together. And it’s weird because there were so many times when people would get annoyed with me or tired of being around me. Hell, it was that way with me to other people too. But it’s not like that with us. We can literally sit and talk for hours on end. That’s just what we have been doing for the past seven days. And we’ve spent so much time getting to know each other in just seven days that I feel as if I have known him my whole life. It is really an amazing feeling.

Our relationship has progressed to a very intimate one, but intimate in the sense that the most we have really done is hold each other and show our affection through kissing. It’s something when I don’t feel the need to go that extra mile and take the intimacy to that other level. We aren’t pressuring each other into anything. The most exhilarating thing is being able to confide in him and share stories. The most memorable of the days we have spent together were Friday and Saturday. Friday, he came with me to my cousins’ performance, and even though it conflicted with his religion, it didn’t bother him being there. After that, we drove to St. Louis, just looking for something to do. We both had no money, and traffic was hell, but the fact that we were together outweighed everything else. He even introduced me to other friends of his, who like me because I “have a good head on my shoulders”, as one aptly put it and I was “cute to boot”. After that, Adis and I drove around and what we did and where we ended up is something between us. But I’ll always remember that day. We pretty much stayed out ‘til 2Am. He wouldn’t get home ‘til 4 AM because traffic is a mess around here, especially because of all the construction. And then he came over Saturday and joined me at the Air Force Base here for one of their annual picnics. We had some food and from there, it was off to the Zoo. We went to the Zoo and walked around. The St. Louis Zoo is AMAZING and I was there with him and wow, I was just on cloud nine. I loved every second of it. I feel so comfortable around him, but I’ll come back to that in a second. From the Zoo, we tried to go to the Science Center, but it had closed. So we drove around for a bit and then we found an empty lot where he tried to teach me how to parallel park. Needless to say, I was embarrassed about him finding out how bad of a driver I am. From there, we talked. We sat in his car, in the heat and talked for six hours straight. I won’t go into what we talked about because it’s ours, y’know, but I have never found anyone I could sit and talk to for hours on end and actually enjoy it.

With him, I feel so comfortable being me. I don’t need any kind of front to make myself better. I mean, if you saw him, you would automatically assume he was one of those people on a mission and cared only about himself. The pretty ones who all turn out to be assholes. Adis isn’t. Don’t get me wrong, he’s extremely good-looking, but there’s more to him than just his appearance. Life was rough for him. That’s all I am going to say about that because it’s not my place to tell his life, but those hard times taught him to appreciate things from the sky above to a blade of grass. He’s a natural poet in that sense. But I basically don’t have to work hard to keep his interest or anything. He’s into me, and that’s all that counts. And it’s weird because I can’t put into words this connection. I fell for him right off the back, a risk to some. But I took a chance on love, and I want nothing more. He’s all I need. And what I want more than ever is to provide for him; to give him the moon and the stars on a silver platter. I will do anything for him, as he would for me. And I love every moment of it.

It just sucks though, hiding him. In order to see him, we pretty much drive to Missouri. I live in Illinois and he lives in Missouri and he has been driving sixty something miles back and fourth to come see me for the past seven and some days. Who does that? With gas prices the way they are and the traffic, it’s absurd to people. Doubt anyone would for just anybody. And some wouldn’t even if they were seeing someone. But I mean that much to him that he would come and see me. That’s love: going through great odds to be with that one person that matters most. Hence why I plan on enduring physical and mental training enforced by the Air Force Reserves. We want to get a place some day, a place of our own where we don’t have to worry about upsetting people because we want to be affectionate or taking away from someone’s time to sleep or whatever. It’ll be our sanctuary where I can hold him all night long, and talk to him hours on end. We even want to get a pet. We talked about maybe getting a Chihuahua but Saturday made me want to get a rabbit and name it Thumper. We’ll see because we still have to get to that point. He’s getting two jobs for us, so I’ll be damned if I am just going to sit around and let him take care of me and do all the work. I want to take care of him. But the fact is that the motivation is there. I want to do things for him and do what I need to better myself financially and mentally with school and the reserves. He is going to support me all the way with everything I do. He even said that he was getting a dual citizenship so that we won’t get separated. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if he got sent back to Bosnia. Yeah, there are a lot of circumstances that are all wrong and against us at the moment. But I basically told him flat out that I was ready to endure hell for him. I am out to make this work the best to my ability as is he.

I won’t be able to see him until Wednesday or Thursday, however. But I’m not hurting. I know he’ll still be there. And I am definitely not going’ anywhere. It pulled at my heartstrings when he told me that being away from me was going to be a little tough for him since he was so used to us being together. But his gas has to last him until he gets paid. So when we parted, he told me that he wasn’t saying goodbye because he was going to come see me again. Goodbye to him was like telling someone you’re not coming back. A natural poet indeed. I love where this relationship is going. I found just what I always dreamt about. And everything I want is in the form of Adis, and I basically want nothing else.
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