Do I Deserve This?

Apr 21, 2006 14:15

So this asshole writes me:
are you muture enough to read this?
Know you don’t wanna hear from me and that’s cool but you said your piece so even if you don’t read it here is mine. Like I said when we first started talking my life is crazy between working full time and school full time. I have little time or energy for anything else so when I crashed my car and had to figure out how I was gonna pay for it I withdrew from everybody except maybe three of my friends. When I saw Vanessa I was really drunk and you had called me bout eight times that day. I realize you probably won’t understand cause you don’tdrink that much but when your drunk you just say random ass shit so sorry I pissed you off but there is my side. If you didn’t act like you were still in high school and bothered to read this realize as much as you want me to be I’m not the bigger asshole in this situation. I wasn’t the one being trife even though I had a boyfriend. Really if you can manage to grow up a little and see this is a misunderstanding(at worst) then respond to me and just say ok or whatever but if you wanna be juvenile bout all this then cool. don’t say anything. either way sorry I pissed you off so bad you had to have a friend call me cause you couldn’t.

And this is how I responded:

re: are you muture enough to read this?
if you think for a second that i am going to feel bad, think again. i'm going to man up and say that yeah, i was wrong to cross the lines i did. and yeah, i am paying for it. but you had no fuckin right. and who doesn't have a crazylife? what's makes your life different fromthe rest of us? what, am i automatically supposed to exalt that cop-out excuse because there are people out there who have it a lot worse. and whether you choose to accept this, you will never have it as bad. and the way you make it sound is like you are the only one with problems. hate to break it to you, but we all do. we all have our ups and downs and fair-share of shit that ain't fair so, spare me the bullshit. so clearly calling you was a bit much. fine,i'll take that. but was it really a bad thing to go and try to check up on you? especially when you do stupid shit like that? your fuckin ass should be dead, but oh i'm so fuckin sorryf or caring. so if for some unbeknown reason that time repeats itself, i won't care then. hit a tree and die since caring fuckin constitutes as stalking. oh, and don't EVEN get me started on the drinking. that "when you're drunk" bit is bullshit. so when a husband is drunk and he cheats on his wife, it's the alcohol? no, the bastard should not have had as much as he had and made the choice of cheating on his wife. you were well aware of what you were thinking, saying and feeling. it all comes out when one drinks and if something i did bothered you that much, YOU should've came to me. and to throw in my face about having my friend call, well i did just what you did. i had to hear from someone else how you felt because you couldn't man-up and tell me,so saying i did the same. of course i had the decency to at least leave a message and didn't try to communicate AFTER THE FACT. and what's this about me growing up? you grow the fuck up. stop drinking so fuckin much that you do things you obviously regret. like you really need to drink to go clubbing. i won't even goin the whole clubbing thing. learn to confront a person when you have a problem with them because hear-say only makes it worse and only makes you look the ass. and stop tryin to act like you are the only one with problems. what makes you so fuckin special? and who is acting like they are still in high school? there, you happy? was i "mature" enough to respond to what you had to say? and what i have against vanessa is of no concern to you. she is not apart of my life anymore. and this "trying tomake amends" thing isn't working for me.i have said all i that i have to say to you. i don't like to repeat myself, but i meant every word when i said that i don't want to talk to you. EVER. ok? or do you have to "hear" me say it because maybe this just isn't sinking in again. so AGAIN, making sure i reiterate this, here's how i feel. This and the nice little phone message should be enough to piece together facts. I'M DONE. have a good life.

So basically, i don't like to be disrespected. if I go out of my way to check up on you via phone or email or whatever, if it bothers you, let me know. Hearing that doing so constitutes as stalking when A) I am not purposefully seeking you out, and B) I am only trying to be nice and do a good thing then don't expect me to be nice. You get what you give. I'm couteous and respectful. All I ask is that in return.
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