He really didn't see it coming, chapter 2

Jan 21, 2008 11:43

I had chapter 2 written together with chapter 1, but I did`t want to post it until I finished chapter 3. And then something happened to my internet connection that prevents me from accesing the web, which is really annoying but I can´t do anything about it. The people at the IP have to get off their asses and go fix it. Soon I hope...

Title: He ( Read more... )

ishida, nemu, chapter 2

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snowzapped January 21 2008, 14:48:33 UTC
Gah! *wipes nosebleed*

Getting hotter and hotter... ^__^

More!!! XD


trito_chan January 21 2008, 20:40:52 UTC
LOL Well you know what is up next so...:D :D Get ready for some more beta-ing! LOL And hopefully nosebleed wiping! :D


snowzapped January 21 2008, 20:43:31 UTC
No problem! ^__^

As long as there's smut... I live to beta! LOL


trito_chan January 21 2008, 21:56:09 UTC
Ah...smut...well my friend said my smut was like in those romance novels. :( Or soap operas :(

Is it? O_o

I want it to be NICE smut not smutty smut!


snowzapped January 22 2008, 14:36:59 UTC
You do know that a lot of romance novel smut is good? LOL

Believe me... I know. O__o

Yours in Very Nice Smut. Be proud! ^__^


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