So, I'm home, and there's two strips left in this arc. I'll just put them together rather than wait another week.
With this one, I knew I couldn't fit it into four panels and have it work like I wanted to. So I designed a nice six panel format to use. The panels are smaller than normal, but they fit together on the paper I use.
I've only heard the legends of C.A.M. I've never experienced one myself, unfortunately. But I'll make the legend live on.
Man, I drew my boss terribly in the last panel.
Okay, final strip:
I wanted to end this story line with a larger comment on the day's activities in addition to this, but the semester had ended. I had to choose between the two, and I opted for character development. I think it was the right choice.
I think I might have drawn Emily too small. She's supposed to be short, but look at her in that second panel! She looks like one of the kids. Oh well.
A no-prize for you if you can guess what movie they're watching.
Well, as soon as I get access to a scanner, I can queue up the recent strips from this past semester. For whoever still reads this.