I missed an update. I guess that means I'm a real webcomic artist now.
The last comic I posted was for the final paper of the Fall '07 semester. I figure that's a good place for an interlude. The regular monkeyshines will continue next week, but for now, let's take a look at my job.
As the staff cartoonist for the New Paltz Oracle, it's my job to draw the cartoon that goes with each issue's editorial. Kind of like a political cartoon. It's great, because with it, I practice a different style of writing than with Monkey Playpen.
There's a story behind the first one this semester. The editorial was about a new law up here saying that bars will have to close at 2 AM instead of 4 AM. The editorial speculated on the repercussions: Decreased business for the bars, Main Street becoming empty during the night, and students resorting to drinking in their dorms.
Each Tuesday night the staff meets to review the editorial, go over what needs to be added or taken out, and bounce cartoon ideas off of each other. I then have Wednesday to draw the cartoon and hand it in for production, so the paper can be shipped on Thursday.
So, the idea the Editor and Chief liked was one of a street of bars completely empty, with tumbleweeds blowing through. I had another idea that I liked, so I drew that one.
Unfortunately, this wasn't direction the Editor had mind (she wanted to focus on the empty bars), so my cartoon was rejected, and a substitute photo was used instead. I felt slighted at first, but eventually I came to realize that as I'm being commissioned to draw these, it's not up to me to decide what ultimately goes here. It was a good lesson, the Editor wasn't upset with me, and everything's been fine since. Just think, this is the first time this cartoon is being made public. Consider yourselves special. Or something.
Okay, back to drawing.