Jan 09, 2007 19:41
This journal tires me. I don't know, I love the layout and that but the name just doesn't seem to suit me anymore.
Not that I will change it, though, I think I will make a new one and use both. One for one set of friends the other for a very select group of friends.
I don't know yet. Hmmm, but the thought is there.
Anyway, Found some interesting news today about a friend of mine and a slowly gaining friend of mine.
If what I was told was correct Congrats. I'm surprised it never happened sooner. Aside from that Let's see...
Beaner turns 21 on Friday! yay!!
To bad Office Depot fucked me over again. I'm going to try to see if they will let me leave at 9.
I put in a request to work 7am-4pm on Friday and off Saturday for his birthday. I put in the request the second week of working at Office Depot.
(This is week 5). Because of one stupid fucking cunt and a dumb as fuck manager. I'm stuck working 1-10 on Friday. You know fuck any plans I had made in the weeks before for this "big day". I don't have a life, obviously. There is seriously going to be some yelling. screaming and "Fuck you and your company" exchanged if they don't let me. This is complete and utter bullshit. I'm not going to fucking stand for it. This Job has pissed me off too much to give a rats ass. I fucking hate retail and I fucking Hate OFFICE DEPOT.
I seriously think I will start looking for a new job unless they shape the fuck up.
This is bullshit and I will start going over there heads and complaining to corperate.
I love Drew (our store manager) but seriously, I am tired of getting yelled at and told I'm not doing my job. WHEN I WAS NEVER FUCKING TRAINED FOR IT.
Not to mention they keep telling me I'll get to do the training tracks (one of our training books) but have I yet? FUCK NO.
But that stupid fucking Cunt I told you about earlier, fucking did it all day Monday.
I need to find a $8hr + job. A new one in which is close to my house, will give me 32-40 hours a week and wont fuck me over like Annapolis.
Fucking Assholes.