Dear Rarewomen Author

Mar 01, 2013 00:31

Hello there, dear author!

When it comes to fic, I am very easy to please. I like a variety of genres, themes, and ratings, and while I have likes and dislikes, they're pretty general.

Likes include: character-driven fic, morally grey or conflicted/troubled characters, h/c, femslash, complicated and intense relationships, backstories, explorations of mysticism and magic (when canon appropriate only), characters driven by ambition of any kind, AUs of the canon-divergent type, and, despite everything else on this list, humor. For smut, I am capable of reading pretty much any kink and enjoying it. I use this word a lot, I know, but I like my smut intense. Generally, though, I really like any type of power imbalance, whether physical, mental, or formal D/s, and any kinks that work off that dynamic (whether consensual or dub-con). Any kind of porn is awesome, though!

That's a lot of rambling. To summarize: I like complicated characters and relationships between women.

Dislikes include: excessive fluff (not to be mistaken with happiness), crackfic, issuefic, graphic non-con. Seriously, that's it. Go wild.

I tend to phrase my prompts as questions and use phrases like "investigating [x] aspect" or "exploring [x] in the context of [y]"; this is mostly because I have no setting between vaguely academic discussion of fiction and tumblr-style keysmashing, so I go with the former for clarity. I've had people ask me about this before, so trust me, Deep Thoughts About Fanfiction are not remotely required unless you want to write them.

Now, onto the fandoms, presented in alphabetical order.

Battlestar Galactica (2003): D'Anna Biers, Gina Inviere
I'd love to read something about D'Anna's religion, and how and why she became so fascinated with the Final Five and seeking answers in general. Alternately, I'd be fascinated to read about her life undercover as a reporter, and her interactions with humans - did she hate them? Did she make any friends or lovers among them, like the Sixes did? And why did she make her decision about dying when she did, other than what's directly stated in the episode?

As for Gina, you'd make me happy with anything about her life, honestly. What was she like before she came to the Pegasus? What training did she receive? Was she supposed to seduce Cain or was it an impulse, and how much did she truly love her? And what happened to her post-imprisonment? We know she went to Cloud Nine and joined the peace movement, but we don't get many details that aren't Gaius-related. I'd love to fill in the blanks.

Shipping-wise, I like the canon ships! Gina/Helena and D'Anna/Caprica Six/Gaius in particular, but if you can sell me on a ship, definitely do it.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Jane Foster
Jane/science is my OTP. I'd love to read about her and how she became interested in astronomy, at what point she started to look at things differently than everyone else, and how she enjoyed her crackpot reputation. Alternately, Jane's life prior to the film! Where did she grow up, and how? (I guess this ties into the Jane-and-science thing, but whatever.) Maybe Jane's romantic history, if you want to do that! Or ooh, what about Jane, science, and the realization that magic is real (for a certain definition of the word)? Getting into that would be cool. I love technobabble, so feel free to throw in as much of that as you'd like. And her and Darcy getting up to no good in whatever ways would be delicious. Honestly, Jane is my favorite MCU character, and coming up with specific prompts is kind of hard for me, because I want to read EVERYTHING about her.

Shipping-wise, Jane/all the ladies, especially Darcy or (if you are interested) Jane/Betty Ross. I just think that would be awesome, and they both were scientists at Culver University, according to the Marvel wiki. If you're up to it and interested in het, Jane/Loki is definitely a favorite of mine.

Marvel (Comics): Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova
Alas, I did not have a chance to fill this in on the sign-up form before it closed! Luckily, that just means I get to ramble even more.

I won't lie, I ship these two so hard it's ridiculous, but I'm actually interested in the emotional relationship a lot more than the sexual one. The chase, the game, the jealousy, Natasha's desire to save Yelena, even at the expense of her sanity (I have some Issues with the way Breakdown was handled, but the core of the story fascinates me), the way Yelena freezes when Natasha says, "Because you look forward to coming after me again" because it's so true...yeah, I love all of that. Such intensity! Anything with these two women interacting would be lovely.

As for them as individuals, I stan for Natasha so hard, there is literally nothing you could write that I wouldn't like. I like her at her most emotionally complicated and, while I love for her to be happy, too, I love investigating her darkness. Play with it as much as you want. As far as Yelena goes, a lot of what I find fascinating about her is that jealousy, that drive to achieve, to be the best Black Widow there ever was, so anything about that would be great. She also has a female friend she talks to in the beginning of Pale Little Spider - seeing her interact with her fellow spies while in training (or just her in training, actually!) would be wonderful.

Something I found very interesting about her in PLS is how, when asked if she was a lesbian, she says, "I'm not anything." Now, I tend to interpret this as her being a very closeted lesbian or being asexual. Either way would be fascinating to explore! If you choose the latter, exploring her asexuality in terms of how sexualized the Black Widow position is could be a really interesting read. Alternately, also in PLS she voices her disgust for the sex club, but later in the comics it's said she becomes a fetish model. Presumably, then, she's kinky in some way or another. Where in her life did she come to terms with that?

As for shipping, I obviously like Natasha/Yelena. I'm not too interested in het for either of them, though.

…okay, that's, uh, a lot of stuff. Now that I've typed it all, I want you to know that you can ignore it completely, and write what you want. Seriously. If some of that rambling inspires you, awesome! But if not, I'm still going to love reading whatever you'll write. And thank you already!

!dear author

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