(no subject)

Oct 06, 2005 02:03

So I have my first midterm tommorow in philosophy, and I'm up at 2 am not studying.... well bc I'm like already a burnout.
I feel like I havent studied at all, but the truth to it is last night I redid all of my notes in a way that makes it easier to understand ( my professor is soooooo great, and I get so much more than just the curiculum out of that class, but jeeez he jumps around!). I also know what all of the essays will be, and I've prewritten them all. Plus my morning class is canceled so I have plenty of time to study until work at 11, and then my exam at 12:30. But I'm still freaking out and not sure how the hell I'll pass it. I could prolly make a B easily if I took it right now, but wtf ever... I'm just gonna keep flipping out, it keeps me in line nicely, but not for the rest of the night, because my brain started crying. like forreal.
Friday after my art appreciation class, where my brain dies every monday and friday morning and my IQ drops 20 points a minute as we learn about the first spaceship launch in 1981, I have a meeting with my philosophy professor, about majoring in it. I already have my four year plan all worked out, with a phi major, bio concentration, and writing minor. But I'm hoping I'll go in friday and be told I can do bio ethics with out the bio concentration. I already found a grad program at duke, the philosophy of biology. Yes... I have planned out my life until I'm about 31 or so. The I'll finally be out of school, and I will be Dr. Susan Walley, and Vincent will be Mr. Dr. Susan Walley. :) Then I'll probably just end up back at school as a professor. By the time I make full professor I'll be like 34598029480989435890385 years old, cuz aparently at a lot of places you have to write several BOOKS before you make full. It'll be cool though, I'll like always be at school and learning stuff. Yea I'm a dork. Oh well.

So, no 9:30 class tommorow, under the condition that I wake up in the morning, get a cup of coffee, and think about my proffesor while I study american gov. Hrmmm, that wont happen till like sunday.

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