Jan 08, 2011 17:18
just started watching nick and norah's infinite playlist, looks promising.
I was doing netflix before this...
i don't know what to say about this new year... my thoughts have been going in circles in part it seems like the world is against me, but then again it's like the universe is trying to make me deal. With things that i haven't, with things that i should, with things that i need to, with things that i want to, with things i avoid.
Everything started on the right foot, I talked to the most important people in my life and reconnected with others that I love and have soo missed.
After getting home and with high spirits to drive off into the world, my world.. the car is dead... devastated, i sat on the curb only to notice.. FLAT TIRE.
so the great plans.. gone. again... wrong foot.
I woke up last night and my left arm was numb and tingly.. does that mean anything.
at least i didn't wake up on the floor of a hotel room with blood all over my hair.
live up to your expectations!!
...some day
Cheers to a new year