Feb 02, 2006 12:56
Ok, code time again. Nobody responded to my other code so i guess i either didnt give you enough time or it was too hard...
In any case i think that one might have been a lil tough for a beginner so i have cooked up a second one. If you havent seen the first one yet the check my entry for jan 31 before attempting this one. Anyways here it is...
Vs lbh pna ernq guvf lbh zhfg nafjre zr gurfr dhrfgvbaf guerr. Jung vf lbhe anzr, jung vf lbhe dhrfg, jng vf gur phor ebbg bs guerr uhaqerq naq sbhegl guerr. Cbfg gur nafjref va pbqr. Bu lrnu, unccl rnegu ebqrag qnl.
Riiight.... sounds like russian when you try to say it... Oh well, must mean something!