Mar 03, 2008 21:30
Well, today was interesting. The parents went home at 7 this morning, so I had to be up and functioning so they could pick up my little sister from my dorm room. On the plus side, they brought me breakfast. But I'm about ready to crash!
I had to ask my Underwater Archaeology professor if he gave out extra credit. He hasn't in the past, but it looks like I might be able to digitize slides for him for a little grade boost. He has to run it by the department head first though.
Rachael, my next door neighbor, dragged me to a band concert after we worked out.(we showered in between, of course.) It was a really good performance! A local high school concert band and their jazz band played, along with Eastern's concert and jazz band. I didn't like the jazz band's as much, but I think that's because I played in one. I can't help but analyze it, and it's no fun. But the concert bands were really amazing! I have a copy of the performance schedule for the rest of the quarter, courtesy of the Music Department, so I'll go check out more of these sorts of things!