The day after

May 11, 2010 12:46

Show me your dirty fingers!

Thankfully, I didn't have a hard time voting yesterday. Me and my family arrived really early, so the lines were still orderly and the heat was not as suffocating. It took me about 10 minutes in line and less than five minutes actually shading the circles. When the PCOS machine successfully read my ballot I actually said "YAY!"

All in all, I think the automated elections went pretty well. Hearing the results a day after the elections* are held is going to take some getting used to, but it's an adjustment that I'm willing to work on.

* To non-Filipino readers: It used to take a WEEK (or more) before a winner could be declared.

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The Rentboy

The other news story that I really, really love is the tale of "The Right Wing Christian and his Rentboy", which is getting even more coverage as "Lucien" has come out and shared his story with media outlets.

Here he is on Anderson Cooper 360, talking about how he was paid $75 an hour (Really? That low?) to "spend eight hours a day and eat two meals with Rekers a day".

Interesting sidenote that Gawker points out:

"Lucien" told blogger Joe My God that "Well, I do have to get up early for an interview. You know that guy, the gay reporter on TV?" Yesterday Lucien was on Anderson "That gay reporter" Cooper's show.

"Lucien" also says that Rekers told him that he has already hired rentboys before.

* * * * *

I wanna have me some Swiss...cheese. Ehem.

Switzerland just held its annual Mr. Switzerland competition. I will now look forward to this every year as if it were Christmas.

politics, boys, homophobia

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