I watched Lea Salonga in "Cinderella" last night, and I have to say that I was floored and impressed. The set design was impeccable and amazing in how it all looked simple and yet fairy tale-ish at the same time. The transformation sequences were equally impressive, especially because they were all done through simple means.
Lea, of course, was great. She's like a workhorse, and I mean that in a good way. She knows this is her job and she does it well. Perfect in every way, it's almost daunting to think of what it's like to work with her.
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I didn't take any pictures of the Lithuaninan basketball team because I didn't have my camera with me. How was I to know that shirtless Lithuanians where in town, after all? It's not like I read the newspapers or anything.
Anyway, here's the next best thing: Lithuanian model Vytautas Eitmantis. I really don't know if the players had faces like his, but I can vouch that they share the same body.
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If watersports(!) are more your thing, why not try out
Matthew Mitcham?
Also, here's your gratuitous Michael Phelps bulge shot of the day.