izkariote, she's getting published!
* * * * *
So, a couple of days ago I got to interview
Ninotchka Rosca, who I admit I only knew by reputation and not through any familiarity with her work. Of course, I was deathly afraid of being exposed for the sad hack writer that I am during the interview, but it turned out that I didn't have to worry about anything: Ninotchka Rosca is like your favorite crazy grandma.
She also maintains a blog,
Lily Pad, and I found her latest blog entry the most interesting one I've read for the past week. Granted, I've been mostly living like a monk, but still.
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Read about
Jinzhu the 'tranny' panda.
An excerpt:
"It was not until 2005 that scientists discovered 9-year-old Jinzhu’s ovaries were positioned in the wrong place, and gave her a two-hour operation to make her a 'normal girl,' Xinhua said."
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When caught soliciting sex from a police officer, the best excuse isn't exactly: "I'm not gay, I'm just afraid of black people."
The Daily Show's John Oliver lists a few good ones
I particularly love when Jon Stewart says: "You wouldn't hit a guy with a cock in his mouth, would you?" I don't know about you guys, but I certainly wouldn't.
Also? I'm totally going to use "I'm bulimic, but I hate shoving my finger down my throat."