Liveblogging Kimerald

Jul 30, 2006 07:35

I am watching the last episode of Kim and Gerald's stint on Love Spell. As if I weren't jologs enough, I recognize the house they're shooting in is the same place where they shot the Toni-Sam episode of Your Song.

And I am doing all of this in the office, no less, because I left my money (double woe!) on my desk, and it is only through the kindness of our IT editor that I am not penniless today.

How sad is it that I have been suckered into licking these two? And their loveteam? Gerald seems to think that a little pout and an eyebrow twitch constitute heart-rending, soul-destroying sadness, without knowing that that technique only works with veterans and goddesses like La Aunor.

I do have to say that he looks incredibly cute when he does it, so I guess that makes everything alright? And those pants are so tight, too.

Kim's not bad, and looks incredibly hot as a guy.

Oohh!!! Ugly yellow jacket and ghetto-cap-thing on a cute boy! My heart has been stolen and cannot be retrieved!

Goddamn, he looks like a Laker girl. Except he has a dick.

OMFG, I thinking they're going to feature La Aunor on the Buzz. OMFG.

Was I the only one who thought that the SCQKQ winner Quintin was a girl? Because it turns out he has a dick, too. What is happening to this world? And when will I stop checking my LJ? I fear I am suffering from an unhealthy compulsion or some such affliction.

OMG GERALD LOOKS SO CUTE IN RED!!!! And, lordy, llok at their vacant stares, meant to convey their love that burns like a thousand fiery suns. Give these kids an Urian. And what is with the constant hugging? WHy don't they kiss? You go into acting, bitch, you better be ready to have someone stick their tongue down your throat.

And OMG, Matt is going to be on the next Love Spell! Bit part, yes, but I still want to run my hands through those manufactured curls.

Good fucking God, I am one sad individual.

* * * * *

Great, it looks like I will also be liveblogging The Buzz, because Andrew Wolf is sticking his enormous dick inside Keanna Reeves. Yes, think about that lovely mental image.

And apparently, Keanna Reeves is slapping her driver around as well. Heck, I'd slap people around as well if I had Andrew Wolf's big dick in me every night. That's got to fucking hurt. A. LOT.

And, come on, so Phoemela Barranda is doing pot. It's not like it's a hard drug. And she drinks? I would to if I worked in Philippine showbusiness.

Holy God in heaven, why is Boy Abunda dressed like that? To draw attention away from his bald head? I really need to pee but I am strangely compelled to sit through this segment of The Buzz. I am awaiting the train wreck that they are bound to reveal some time in the program.

Goddamn it, that is the worst thing Boy Abunda has worn EVER. It gives me the chills. Watching The Buzz is so much more amusing when I've got Octavian plugged into my ear.

Luke Jickain is so much more hotter than his brother. And he's more crude, too. GOODFUCKINGGAWD, take Aiko's face away from the screen, for the love of God! I still want to be able to eat after this.

Somebody fucking make me stop, please. SOMEBODY!

That's it. I am standing up, I will turn this computer off, and walk calmly away.

kim chui, your song, sam milby, gerald anderson, matt evans, andrew wolf, luke jickain, toni gonzaga, martin jickain, keanna reeves, nora aunor, love spell, aiko melendez

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