Stalking Accomplished

May 01, 2009 21:47

Today I ducked out of work a bit early to go get in line to have Russell Brand sign my copy of his memoir, "My Booky Wook." Russell is best known by American audiences from his role as Aldous Snow in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," but he was quite famous in Britain before that. The memoir is surprisingly well done, and nakedly honest about himself. So much that it's almost brave to put all that out there about oneself. I bought it and read it a few months back.

He's a wildly free spirit, but quite brilliant in his own way. And after waiting about two hours or more he arrived and then spent 20 minutes wandering through the rest of the line and commiserating with them for not being able to hear the Q&A/Reading. Once he got back to the table where he was signing he climbed up and sat cross-legged on it and talked back and forth with the audience a bit before reading two sections of his book. Then he started signing books.

As I watched both the crowd (and it is an eclectic mix) and him, I was struck by how open and genuine he is with his fan base. Not only is he truly enjoying the ride, he's very kind and giving of himself to his fans.

Most people don't realize it, but it is actually quite hard to be actively present and in the moment for an extended period of time. Yet, I watched as person after person approached, and Russell would focus solely upon them, with direct contact, and give them a moment of genuine connection with him. He'd hug the men and hug and kiss the ladies, and autograph a book, but as I was watching it happen (and I watched a good hour or so as the line was winding along), I never saw him not sincere in his caring and connection with each individual. That's truly giving of himself to his fans and it was quite lovely.

So, when it was my turn, after my kiss on the cheek and a hug (which by the way everyone was standing withing a 1 foot distance of him, as he was sitting on the table with his legs hanging off...he'd often trap someone with his legs on either side of their body as he talked), I mentioned to him how I thought he had such a beautiful spirit. He thanked me and looked directly at me (which does make me uncomfortable when anyone does it, not just Russell Brand), and sincerely thanked me.

It was worth the 3+ hours of line waiting and Barnes & Nobles's abysmal crowd management skills. Enjoy two of my favorite men below:

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life, comedy, russell brand, stalking

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