
Jun 27, 2008 10:10

I was having a very intense dream this morning in which dream me (which means, I was skinny, cute, and pretty) was in a mansion, surrounded by people. There was a party or a charity auction going on...some sort of event. I felt like I lived in the mansion. It wasn't mine, but I was the lover of whoever owned the property, but they weren't around. Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming sense of panic and anxiety. I knew without a doubt that something horrible was about to happen and all of the people needed to get out and leave me all alone. I started calling out loudly for John. Crying out his name over and over, and John wasn't my lover, he was the head of security and the person who made me feel safest. The other security guys/force (they were all military-esque) started clearing the room while John's second in command hurried over to me to see what was wrong. I remember him reassuring me that John was on his way when I woke up with my heart pounding and my breathing quickened. I woke up with the thought in my mind that everything would be okay if John would just get to me and hold onto me...that we'd make it through.

One of my co-workers asked me if I'd been anxious about something in my life...not overly so, though. What does make me laugh, is I have multiple John's in my life as friends, but none of them were the John associated with the name in my dream. It was an entirely new John and quite the vivid experience.

I don't often remember my dreams, so regardless of the fact this one was stressful, I'm glad I did.


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