Aug 09, 2008 09:05
If I send you a text message and you don't get it, where does it go? Is there schools of texts just swimming aimlessly throughout cyber space? Is there like a server somewhere just filling up like a grave yard for mislead messages? Did the government secretly intercept said message? :)
Is the definition of insanity working hard all day only to get on the freeway, average 10 miles an hour for an hour and a half, and crawl your way home with all the other working stiffs? Or is that just normal, and the definition of insanity is as follows: The few people that do the above everyday and yet get angry everyday because they were not expecting the traffic? asking themselves," How could this happen to me?" You know the people that truly believe that five o-clock traffic is something that some cosmic being just did to mess with them and does it everyday just to continue to spite them. Is the person that believes traffic is a personal vendetta against them,or won't still be there today, the same person that thinks the government intercepts their messages? Maybe the same person that goes home at night and wears an aluminum foil hat to bed so the black helicopter can't read their thoughts?