Feb 15, 2004 23:16
well its time for a bad first post/monologe. last time i did one of these summer just ended and i decided that lawn mowers are evil, so im going to try to stay away from stuff like that. i have a quandry. why/how do people start fights with these damn things? I know that speaking you mind and writting it down for all to see should be encouraged and just socially cheereed for normally, but why do people always get so damn uppity about live jornals? "o man, did you read what peter wrote in his live jornal" who cares? thats what he thought. no response just read it and accept it.
i hate writting about nothing.
especially when I suck at writteing in the first place.
I should invest in some poetry scribling
before sleep come back and begins to take chase.
why do i do it?
"because you should"
i knew i could
forever longtime comes back to exchange
the pigs and the poodle both come with free range
left over strait right over gone
songs before lyrics and lyric durring song
college tied and homeward bound
sleeping states and forgotten rounds
left over chilli, batteries dead
scattered dreams on the table top