May 03, 2006 14:10
So, I think I've decided to take yet another career path. I think I've decided that I will graduate, get married, let Cody go to law or grad school while I work and then when he's done and settled I think I want to go back to school to get a degree in teen counseling. I think counseling troubled teens is more the path I want to go. I find myself more drawn to the severe kids, but even more to the kids who have troubles. The bad ones, the sad ones, the weird ones, the insecure ones. There are so many teens who need counseling in and out of school and I think that is something that I would enjoy as well as be good at. So, it sounds all fine and dandy, but we will see what Cody and I decide once we're actually to it. But I just thought I'd update you all on my career choice. I am posetive I want to work with kids, thats never going to change. We will see what comes of this. I really wish taht was my major to start's too late for a change I'd never graduate! Oh well , we'll see!
Hope Finals are going well for you all. Boo to school, only a few more days.
My last final is 8am Saturday morning so I just gotta make it through until then!!!!