Holy. Cannolis.

Jul 14, 2010 23:03

Damn, what a couple of weeks it has been. As you can imagine, it's been a tad bit crazy around this joint since the Fourth of July. But the good news is that a lot of it has been amazing. I'll try my best not to gush.

So, world cup is over. I feel a tad bit sad about this. Okay, a bit more than a tad bit. But it was an amazing experience that I completely loved. My lovely Spanish boys were crowned the champions and it was well deserved. Sergio lost his hairband, I found a new green-eyed love in Jesus Navas and Iker cried and then cried...and then snogged his journalist girlfriend on live TV.
      I was watching the final at Buffalo Wild Wings in Bowling Green with my besties Jennifer and Crystal and it was so awesome. Almost gave me a heart-attack, but awesome nonetheless.

I can't believe it is over, but I loved every minute of it. Here is what I will take from it.
     1.) My deeper love-infatuation-respect for the USMNT
     2.) My awesome predicting skills in saying that Spain would win
     3.) Seeing Cristiano crash out :'(
     4.) Watching the German team play some of the most beautiful football ever
     5.) Watching said Germans trounce Argentina, sending Messi home with a grand total of ZERO goals for the tournament. :)
     6.) Driving to Bloomington to watch a game in a crowded bar
     7.) Having something to distract me at work
and, finally 8.) Being strongly assured that I HAVE to have a career in this sport, if it is the last thing I do.

I don't know who I think is my favorite find this summer, Jesus, seen above with his gorgeous green eyes,
or Benny Felihaber and his fabulous baby blues. It's a hard fight...

I'M GOING TO A MANCHESTER UNITED TRAINING SESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     How did I not freak out on here before now? Seriously, I don't know either. Here's the sum up-short version. ManUtd.com had a contest to win passes to a training session before each of the American games. I, of course, didn't hesitate in entering at least twice. I then begged my bestie, Jennifer - who is kind enough to accompany me during my crazy Kansas City trip - to enter as well.
    One week later, there is an e-mail in my inbox from her asking if the e-mail she got from ManUtd.com is legit.
And yes, it was.
Our passes arrived Monday, they are snuggled nicely next to my tickets in my room, along with the official letters (on official ManUtd letter heads!) telling us the top secret training location... Okay, so it's not really that top secret, but you get it.
     We are 10 days away from the fantastical event and I, frankly, am so stoked I can't think about it without freakin' out like a Justin Bieber fan. Honestly, I don't know how this whole training session will go, but if Ryan Giggs walks over to me, I won't even be able to say anything smart because I will faint like a dork.
I. Can't. Wait.

Yay!!!!!!!1!!11!!!!!! OMFGI'MSOEXCITED!!!

Okay, so the novel is still incomplete. Yeah, yeah I know, you don't have to tell me. It's hanging just on the edge, ready to be finished...and yet it isn't there yet. Even my characters are getting pissed at me. Well, it was just Katie really. She went off on Tumblr. Trust me, it wasn't exactly pretty.
   But the good news is that I don't have anything that I really have to do this weekend, so I'm crossing my fingers that I can put a damn cap on this. I really think that this will be done; honestly I do. Just need to finish a section, tie the ending in and bam! Trista's first novel is complete!!! But still...you guys might want to cross your fingers for me too. :/ LoL.
Not being negative...just saying. ;) Can't be too prepared.

There's bunches going on at work and I am happy to announce that I have finally written a column about soccer and it's going into tomorrow's paper!!! I've never been so excited about a piece being published before. It took me no time at all to write and I just hope that it gets a great response. ;)

And to end this rather lengthy post about myself, I would also like to announce some very, very happy news that I received today. My letter of inquiry to the semi-pro soccer team coming to a nearby city looks to be paying off! The general manager contacted me and asked for a resume and clips, which I provided. I e-mailed him again today because it had been over a week and I had not heard from him, and he immediately replied that he would like to speak to me next week after he gets back from a business meeting!!! I'm hoping that our first conversation will be over the phone (because I really can't afford to go to E-ville, especially straight after work) and I'm confident that it will be since he knows that I am from Tell City and work through out the day.
      I feel so very confident about this, more confident about any other job opportunity that I have had so far. And I think it is just because I'm not really expecting a job out of this, I just would like to get some experience working in the sport. And this is it!! This is my first step toward my dream career, toward the thing I want to do more than anything else in the world (other than publishing a novel, meeting Cristiano Ronaldo and all that stuff). This is my doorway toward working in the sport and it's just such a great opportunity that I don't think it's completely sunk in yet. :D
I can't wait to see how this goes. But I have nothing but the best of hopes. <3

Btw, before I end, I started a Tumblr!! Yes, that's right. If you can't get enough of my ramblings here, you can just zip over to Ink-stained pages and soccer pitches to get micro versions of my hopeless addictions!!  Yay!!! ;)

job, novel, tumblr, column, world cup, manchester united

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