I'm Baaaaack.

May 27, 2008 08:56

Hello, my little FriendBots. I've missed you. I didn't realize how long it had been until penghuin pointed out that I hadn't updated in ages.

So. Now I shall.

I am still "on vacation." Doesn't that sound nicer than "unemployed"? I think so. And really, it feels like a vacation. I had no idea how stressed out I was, and this has given me a chance to relax and unwind and just be. I needed that. Not that I'm planning to be "on vacation" forever, or course, but I so have not been hating this.

I have been all about the cooking and the healthy food. I'm surprised I've yet to turn into a bowl of fresh veggies, since that's what I eat all day long. Loads and loads of fruits and veggies, gallons of water, and heat applied to ingredients to make actual dinners. It is awesome. As I was telling murnkay the other day, Nigella Lawson rocks my kitchen. The Cornish game hen with roast sweet potatoes makes my heart so happy. Of course, so does the avocado and blue cheese dip. Perhaps not so healthy, but dear god so good.

I have been making a point of not becoming the unemployed girl who sits in front of the computer playing WoW all day or lies on the couch watching 18 hours of television every day. I've been going for lots of walks, going out for coffee, reading, and tidying and rearranging and decorating my apartment.

I've had a great deal of help with the last part from misanthropoet, who gave me some fabulous furniture and pretty storage boxes and things and stuff and yay! I had an absolute blast helping her with part of the move, too, which seems such an odd thing but is actually true. Yay for friends.

penghuin was here last week, and yay for that, too. I enjoyed myself thoroughly while he was here. I'm glad the weather was nice. Last time he was here it was snowy and cold, so I'm glad he had the chance to see it when it's warm and green and flowery. Minnesota is glorious in the spring.

I've been doing lots of reading. keightball, I will lurve you forever for introducing me to rachelcaine's books. And for lending them to me. Oh, how I heart her. Also, I want my very own Djinn. Ohyes. Must remember to send the ones I've finished back, along with the two of truepenny's for you to read. I am convinced you will love them as much as I do.

The phone woke me up this morning, mostly because I forgot to set my alarm last night. I was instantly irritated because I should so not be woken up by the default ring. However! It wasn't a telemarketer or Other Undesirable Caller. It was P, whose ring I evidently managed to reset to the default sometime since the last time I talked to him. Instant irritation became melty and squee. What a fabulous start to my day.

I've had loads of long, fun, and absolutely hilarious phone conversations with murnkay, and spent tons of time on Skype with dawnshine. For someone with such weird hangups about talking to people on the phone, I would be surprisingly lost without it. As perhaps you remember from my freakouts after The Great Phone In Sink Incident of 2008. I have some truly awesome people in my life, and I'm fortunate in that they are willing to spend countless hours chatting with me.

Linus and Eddie continue to be Linus and Eddie. Linus is currently stretched out on the window ledge, taking full advantage of his little sunbeam. Eddie is curled up in his bed, apparently dreaming about chasing mice. I love watching his dream running. Bobert has not yet succeeded in learning the tricks I'm trying to teach him, but I remain confident that one day he will sit, lie down, roll over, and stay on command. It's just a matter of time and patience.

You know, it's good to be me. There are things I'd change (lottery win, please?), but nothing at the core of my life, none of the basics that make my life what it is. My baseline is content, with frequent spikes into happy. I love my life.

crazy eddie, keightball, dawnshine, murnkay, misanthropoet, linus, happy, i'm baaaaack, updates, penghuin, p, bobert

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