murnkay, who is brilliant and heroic and fabulous, and who talked me through figuring out the problem and making things work again. Yay!
I never really give much thought to how big a part the computer plays in my life until for some reason I can't use it. I don't own a phone book, a dictionary, a thermometer, a map, or, apparently, a clue as to how to find information without the internet. I make my shopping lists in Excel so I can sort by aisle, and on Wednesday it took me a minute to remember that I could write my list on a piece of paper. There are a million similar little things that I just don't think about until I can't do them anymore, and it throws me a little to realize how dependent on my computer I've become. Clearly I need a lottery win so as to establish my Emergency Computer Fund, with which I can immediately replace my computer the next time something like this happens. Because I cannot do this again. The withdrawal is too painful.
And now I play World of Warcraft. Oh yes.
Happy Friday, my little FriendBots. I've missed you.